April 11, 2014
Prepping for the shoot...
Here at The Brighton Beard Co HQ we're rushing around getting ready for our shoot in town tomorrow! And when we say rushing, we're already on our 5th cup of charlie and it's pretty chilled... we're planning on our models' beards doing the talking...
A little while ago we put an ad out calling for the face// beard of The Brighton Beard Company - and we were blown away by the response! So many beards, and good ones at that! We whittled it down to just two for the first of what we're sure will be many shoots... Meet Tim & Craig!

You may have seen them on our previous Beard Of The Days, the two Brighton based beardies have the perfect look for Brighton Beard Co, don't you agree?
We're super stoked to be working with these two fine gentlemen!
Watch this space...