We are officially half way through Movember! Donations to my page have ramped up considerably over the last week, I imagine due to the fact it's actually starting to look like I have a moustache. It's amazing how keeping people up to date with your mo-progression and putting out frequent posts makes a such a difference donation wise, so if you are partaking be sure to keep posting!!
Like I said we're half way through and the Mo is finally starting to fill in, so I thought it time to start getting some motivation from some of the great Mo growers out there and I'm gonna share with you some of my top pic(k)s.
Marc Maron
A true hero of mine. No one else, in my eyes, has quite captured the torturous inner battle of self deprecation and ego in such a hilarious and relatable way. In a world where a lot of men feel they can't speak about their feelings and mental health is a taboo ,Marc Maron smashes those walls down like a glorious wrecking ball of fire. If you've never watched his stand up or listened to his podcast, 'WTF' I highly recommend. Also, dat tache...
This is the style I'm attempting this Movember.
Gary Oldman
The Chameleon of cinema. He's sported many a moustache over the years but none quite so recognisable as Commissioner Gordon in Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. A Mo any man would be proud to sport.
Donald Glover
A true style icon. He's really made a name for him self over the last few years in Both the music and movie scene. His portrayal of a young Lando Calrissian in this years Solo: A Star Wars Story has cemented his place as a true movie star and a true mo star.
Henry Cavill
After all the trouble poor Henry had to endure to keep his Tache over filming conflicts with Justice League and Mission: Impossible 6 how could I not include him. To be fair to the man he looks pretty damn sharp.
Tom Selleck
It's Impossible to even utter the word Moustache and not think of Tom Selleck. He is the ultimate Mo-tivation. He is the embodiment of the word moustache. There is not one without the other. Ladies and gentlemen, the ultimate moustache.
I hope these great Mo's help you on your own Movember Journey and we can all continue to raise money for this great cause. Don't forget none of these guys grew such well shaped and luscious looking Taches without grooming and maintenance. Make sure you're moisturising the skin and hair with a good Beard Oil and if its at a reasonable length an Ox Horn moustache comb can do wonders!
Till next week my Mo brothers and sisters,